Search of Bu5 against database: plants (Genbank, July 2024)
Based on the abundance profile, this looks like a set of reads.
We are searching this sample against a subset of reference genomes: plants (Genbank, July 2024)
Based on the search results below, we estimate that at least 1.3% of your sequencing data will map to reference genomes in this subset database. More may map to other genomes that aren't in this subset - that's what the full search shows!
Sample breakdown against plants (Genbank, July 2024)
Percent assigned | Reference genome or collection | Estimated sequencing depth in sample |
0.8% (0.6 Gbp) | GCA_903798325.1 FRAX25-0.1 Fraxinus xanthoxyloides | 3032x |
0.2% (178.6 Mbp) | GCF_018294505.1 IWGSC CS RefSeq v2.1 Triticum aestivum | 1x |
0.2% (151.0 Mbp) | GCA_902829195.1 FRAX04-0.1 Fraxinus dipetala | 755x |
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